Sometimes you might not have enough in stock for a particular product, but you might have the individual items that make up the final item. To save you time checking the individual product records, you can use the Check Bill Of Materials option to see if you have enough stock available. This checks the individual components to see if you have enough to make up a quantity of an assembly you have set up on the BOM tab of the product record.
If you don't have enough in stock you can create the required purchase order from this window.
In the Qty Req box enter the quantity of the product you want to make up > Check.
The following appears:
Product Code |
This shows the product code for what stock is required to make up the final product. |
Description |
The description for each product required to make up the final product appears here. |
Supplier |
The supplier record for each product required to make up the final product appears here. This may help you when creating the purchase order. |
Free |
This shows the quantity of this stock which is free. |
On-Order |
This shows the current quantity of this stock item which is on a purchase order which has been placed on order. |
Required |
The quantity required to make up the main product appears here. |
Shortfall |
This shows the quantity of stock you are short by. This is the Required amount minus the Free stock value. |
Qty to Order |
This is the value the software recommends you need to order to make up the quantity required of the main product. This is the Shortfall value minus the On-Order value. |
Accounts Professional only To create a purchase order for the products you are short of or for any of the products shown in the Check Stock Makeup window, click the items you want to order > Create Order.
Once you have the correct amount in stock for the Bill Of Materials you then need to perform a Stock Transfer to transfer the sub-components into the main product. Find out more